Energy Master Plan

In light of the impact of CA on the environment, new emphasis is being placed on how CA can reduce the many elements that make up CA’s carbon footprint.

Over the coming budget cycle, Open Space Management staff will be looking at ways that open space areas can be better used, especially ways that will reduce maintenance costs and environmental liabilities. Ideas such as reducing maintenance in more remote areas, utilizing natural drainage areas as rain gardens, partnering with the County on a community garden concept and many other ideas are being explored. The primary result will be a reduction in fossil fuel to power maintenance equipment and other benefits such as slowing the flow of stormwater, thereby reducing the amount and velocity of sediment moving to streams and lakes.

The video in this post introduces possible programs that would help to reduce CA’s carbon footprint.

Staff proposes to add the position of Energy Manager to the staffing table. Proposed cost of the position, including fringe benefits is estimated at $100,000. The Energy Manager would be responsible for monitoring CA’s energy usage; finding ways that CA can reduce its carbon footprint; developing and implementing the goals of the energy master plan; finding viable renewable energy sources; overseeing CA’s going green efforts, and retrofits of existing buildings to be more energy conscious; and, preparing CA for the future in terms of energy planning, energy usage and implementing new energy related strategies.

CA has very few opportunities to make significant reductions to overall budget line items other than facility or program elimination. By becoming more conscious of energy uses and developing energy options, CA could make substantial headway in not only reducing expenditures, but also in reducing its Carbon Footprint.

New Budget Proposal:
“30%...The reduction in utility costs over four years that a school district in New York has seen since appointing an official energy manager. At one school, the assistant principal roams the hallways and classrooms to root out energy waste.”
- Governing Magazine
If the position helps to reduce CA’s energy consumption by 7.5% the first year, the rate of return on investment could generate about $205,000 in savings.

Primary Focus Points:
  • Reduction of the use of fossil fuels
  • Options for uses of CA owned land that will reduce the carbon footprint or that could be beneficial to the organization and/or community
  • Retrofitting CA owned facilities with energy efficient options

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