
To: The Columbia Association Board of Directors
From: Phil Nelson, President/CEO
Subject: 2013-2104 Budget Planning Element
Date: January 5, 2012

Staff is pleased to present Volumes I and II of the two-year budget for fiscal years 2013 and 2014. Volume I is the Planning Element of the budget and is based on four platforms of sustainability. The platforms are: Economic; Societal, external and internal; Environmental; and, Relational, again, both external and internal.

Volume I will provide a policy basis and will be divided into two parts. The first section of Volume I will be an interactive element that provides readers with graphic and pictorial connections to the various functions that CA performs. The second part will show the Board Strategic Plan policy documents that are the basis for budget formulation.

Instead of providing page after page of written content, the first section of Volume I will utilize technology to show annual charge payers and users of CA programs and facilities with graphic detail what CA offers, and what they get for their annual investment or their program charges and fees. Since most people are visual, the plan is to provide either pictures or videos or data tables of what CA does to show the level of service of each function and to show how the money that residents and program users pay is used to add value to life and/or property.

The second section of Volume I will reiterate CA’s Strategic Plan and include: Vision and Mission Statement, organizational strategic goals, a listing of CA’s Key Strategic Issues and the Strategic Sketches for those key issues. Volume II contains the supporting documentation and lists the budget totals for each function of CA.

There are many elements to being a complete community. Safety and other services such as infrastructure construction and maintenance are the responsibility of Howard County.

When Columbia was founded, much of the quality of life functions were built in. Each Village was constructed to provide retail and services to people living in the Villages. The concept was developed to provide a different atmosphere away from the larger metropolitan areas. Obviously, the zeitgeist was perfect for the place in time as Columbia flourished and transformed into the style and spirit of today. These principles also act as the completion of the equation that makes Columbia a complete community. However when one looks at the benefits or ills of societal or resource change the outlook for Columbia and the Columbia Association could very well be based on significant changes in demographics and the supply of natural resources.

Elements of a Complete Community

Please click on the image below for its larger version, which is easier to read

Sustainability Elements Within Our Current Capabilities

Basis for Construction of the Budget

This budget is one of the primary policy documents that the Columbia Association Board of Directors utilizes to prepare the organization for the future.

In general, budgets are based on many salient points to ensure that CA has adequate means to provide services that Columbia residents and CA customers have come to expect.

Included in those points are:
  • Adequate income to cover all expenses
  • Expenses that reflect customer wants and that add value to life and property
  • Expenditures that keep facilities in the condition that customers expect
  • Communications that show residents and customers what they get for their investment
  • That the CA Board of Directors and Staff are making judicious decisions in the best interests of residents and customers
  • That CA is doing its part to support sustainability platforms, especially by reducing our carbon footprint
  • Those that provide maintenance, programming and project leadership are fairly compensated
  • CA has investigated grant and partnership opportunities that reduce normal budget expenditures
  • Capital expenditures are balanced and within CA’s financial capacities and capabilities so as to eliminate robbing Peter to pay Paul practices

The primary practice for budgets is that once the policy making body makes a determination of the levels of funding that are needed to operate the organization, it is then up to staff to implement the budget document.

Implementation revolves around many factors, the most important of which include:

  • Safe and secure facilities that offer what customers want
  • Careful and constant stewardship and monitoring of funds to ensure that income covers expenses
  • Decisions as to the use of funds hold the community and customers safe from liability
  • Planning for the future that is based on:
    • Relevant trends
    • Community demographics
    • Infrastructure aging & conditions
    • Community focus
    • Potential economic trends
    • Natural resource supply and demand
    • Mobility trends
    • Housing trends and needs
    • Individual and group lifestyles
  • How all of these elements impact the way that CA does business

CA has built all four of the primary elements of the budget-- the Planning Element, the Strategic Planning document, the Operating Budget, and the Capital Budget based on the Board’s Goals and Objectives. The documents are intended to build the foundation for the pathway to the future. However, times will change.


CA facilities and programs accommodate over 3.5 million visits per year. Granted these are repeat users, but the simple fact that about 30,000 memberships generate 3.5 million visits is fairly impressive.

With the computer age, changing lifestyles, and all of the electronic connectivity devices now available, there is a growing epidemic of obesity and related diseases. The number of adults and children suffering from high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart problems continues to increase on an annual basis.

The Board and staff keep a watchful eye on membership totals as well as users at the various CA venues. While CA has a representative number of memberships and programs that are usually well attended, there are very few metrics to determine if CA programs and services are making a difference.

Health and Wellness Initiatives - Do Our Programs Make a Difference?

In 2011, the president moved an existing staff position to the position of Community Health Sustainability Director.

The new position will work with the medical community to develop metrics to determine the impacts of CA programs on community health. While exact calculations cannot be made, CA can use the current numbers to provide a baseline for future comparisons. The primary reason to develop metrics is to gather credible evidence that CA is or is not adding value to life through program offerings.

CA is also working with the medical community to offer programs that provide more than just physical exercise. Program offerings are now more focused on dietary and behavioral understanding as well as getting more exercise.

Click here to watch a video on CA fitness programs; Fit Beginnings and Optimal Health

Primary Focus Points:
  • Health and Wellness programs
  • School age programs
  • Expansion of personal fitness programs
  • Behavioral modification programs

Legislative Advocacy in Terms of Environmental and Transportation Options

Given the size of Columbia and the amount of county and state taxes generated by CA residents, CA is in a position to be a significant advocate for Columbia residents in working with Howard County and State of Maryland legislation.

Two of the primary issues on which CA can have great impact with county and state delegates are in the areas of environmental and transit legislation.

The video in this post provides a brief explanation of Master Planning and how it can be used to better prepare for the future

CA is working with the local financial community in setting up the “Here Comes the Sun” alternative energy program. While CA does not have a significant financial commitment in the program, CA has been and will continue to be a strong advocate in working with private business to set up loan programs and in working with the legislative branches of government to include tax credits for property owners wanting to install alternative energy devices for their homes and businesses.

CA is also working to retrofit its own facilities with alternative energy sources and energy saving equipment. Additionally, CA is buying energy saving vehicles and equipment and as stated earlier, will begin working to make sure that CA vendors are environmentally conscious.

CA could also use its influence in working with legislators to encourage more forms of mass transit to serve Columbia. Higher demand for energy will result in higher prices at the pump. Increasing prices will create the need for more varied forms of transit. CA should be one of the strongest advocates for mass transit and in demonstrating to major providers in the area the benefits of extending mass transit to Columbia.

While not a form of energy supply, the ability to master plan any redevelopment of Columbia could play a major role in energy conservation. CA could use its pathway system to provide more connectivity with the Village Centers and for more commuter traffic as well. Master planning can also help to bring focus to decisions as to the types and uses that could be placed in Village Centers to serve the most people.

Primary Focus Points:
  • Working with Village Boards regarding master planning concepts
  • Master planning for CA facilities to reduce energy usage
  • Partnering with Howard County and private transit companies and the development community to master plan and advocate for more mass transit modes to serve Columbia and the surrounding environment